import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from .ec import ECMeasurement
from ..db import PlaceHolderObject
from ..spectra import Spectrum, SpectroMeasurement
from ..data_series import Field, ValueSeries
from ..exporters import SECExporter
from ..plotters import SECPlotter, ECOpticalPlotter
[docs]class SpectroECMeasurement(SpectroMeasurement, ECMeasurement):
"""Electrochemistry with spectrometry."""
default_exporter = SECExporter
default_plotter = SECPlotter
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
"""FIXME: Passing the right key-word arguments on is a mess"""
ec_kwargs = {
k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in ECMeasurement.get_all_column_attrs()
spec_kwargs = {
k: v
for k, v in kwargs.items()
if k in SpectroMeasurement.get_all_column_attrs()
# FIXME: I think the lines below could be avoided with a PlaceHolderObject that
# works together with MemoryBackend
if "series_list" in kwargs:
if "component_measurements" in kwargs:
if "calibration_list" in kwargs:
if "spectrum_series" in kwargs:
SpectroMeasurement.__init__(self, **spec_kwargs)
ECMeasurement.__init__(self, **ec_kwargs)
[docs]class ECXASMeasurement(SpectroECMeasurement):
"""Electrochemistry with X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy"""
[docs]class ECOpticalMeasurement(SpectroECMeasurement):
"""Electrochemistry with optical Spectroscopy
This adds, to the SpectroElectrochemistry base class, methods for normalizing to a
reference spectrum to get optical density, and for tracking intensity at specific
default_plotter = ECOpticalPlotter
extra_linkers = SpectroECMeasurement.extra_linkers.copy()
extra_linkers.update({"ec_optical_measurements": ("spectra", "ref_id")})
def __init__(self, reference_spectrum=None, ref_id=None, **kwargs):
"""Initialize an SEC measurement. All args and kwargs go to ECMeasurement."""
SpectroECMeasurement.__init__(self, **kwargs)
if reference_spectrum:
self._reference_spectrum = reference_spectrum
elif ref_id:
self._reference_spectrum = PlaceHolderObject(ref_id, cls=Spectrum)
self.tracked_wavelengths = []
self.plot_waterfall = self.plotter.plot_waterfall
self.plot_wavelengths = self.plotter.plot_wavelengths
self.plot_wavelengths_vs_potential = self.plotter.plot_wavelengths_vs_potential
self.technique = "EC-Optical"
def reference_spectrum(self):
"""The reference spectrum which will by default be used to calculate dOD"""
if isinstance(self._reference_spectrum, PlaceHolderObject):
self._reference_spectrum = self._reference_spectrum.get_object()
return self._reference_spectrum
[docs] def set_reference_spectrum(
"""Set the spectrum used as the reference when calculating dOD.
spectrum (Spectrum or str): If a Spectrum is given, it becomes the reference
spectrum. The string "reference" can be given to make the reference
spectrum become (via the reference_spectrum property) one that the
measurement was loaded with (evt. for definition of wavelengths).
t_ref (float): The time (with respect to self.tstamp) to use as the
reference spectrum
V_ref (float): The potential to use as the reference spectrum. This will
only work if the potential is monotonically increasing.
if t_ref and not spectrum:
spectrum = self.get_spectrum(t=t_ref)
if V_ref and not spectrum:
spectrum = self.get_spectrum(V=V_ref)
if not spectrum:
raise ValueError("must provide a spectrum, t_ref, or V_ref!")
self._reference_spectrum = spectrum
def wavelength(self):
"""A DataSeries with the wavelengths for the SEC spectra"""
return self.spectra.axes_series[1]
def wl(self):
"""A numpy array with the wavelengths in [nm] for the SEC spectra"""
[docs] def calc_dOD(self, V_ref=None, t_ref=None, index_ref=None):
"""Calculate the optical density with respect to a reference
Provide at most one of V_ref, t_ref, or index. If none are provided the default
reference spectrum (self.reference_spectrum) will be used.
V_ref (float): The potential at which to get the reference spectrum
t_ref (float): The time at which to get the reference spectrum
index_ref (int): The index of the reference spectrum
Return Field: the delta optical density spanning time and wavelength
counts =
if V_ref or t_ref:
ref_spec = self.get_spectrum(V=V_ref, t=t_ref, index=index_ref)
ref_spec = self.reference_spectrum
dOD = -np.log10(counts / ref_spec.y)
dOD_series = Field(
name=r"$\Delta$ O.D.",
return dOD_series
[docs] def get_spectrum(self, V=None, t=None, index=None, name=None, interpolate=True):
"""Return the Spectrum at a given potential V, time t, or index
Exactly one of V, t, and index should be given. If V (t) is out of the range of
self.U (self.t), then first or last spectrum will be returned.
V (float): The potential at which to get the spectrum. Measurement.U must
be monotonically increasing for this to work.
t (float): The time at which to get the spectrum
index (int): The index of the spectrum
name (str): Optional. name to give the new spectrum if interpolated
interpolate (bool): Optional. Set to false to grab closest spectrum rather
than interpolating.
Return Spectrum: The spectrum. The data is (spectrum.x, spectrum.y)
if V and V in self.U: # woohoo, can skip interpolation!
index = int(np.argmax(self.U == V))
elif t and t in self.t: # woohoo, can skip interpolation!
index = int(np.argmax(self.t == t))
if index: # then we're done:
return self.spectrum_series[index]
# otherwise, we have to interpolate:
counts =
end_spectra = (self.spectrum_series[0].y, self.spectrum_series[-1].y)
if V:
if interpolate:
counts_interpolater = interp1d(
self.U, counts, axis=0, fill_value=end_spectra, bounds_error=False
# FIXME: This requires that potential and spectra have same tseries!
y = counts_interpolater(V)
U_diff = np.abs(self.U - V)
index = np.argmin(U_diff)
y = counts[index]
name = name or f"{}_{V}V"
elif t:
t_spec = self.spectra.axes_series[0].t
if interpolate:
counts_interpolater = interp1d(
t_spec, counts, axis=0, fill_value=end_spectra, bounds_error=False
y = counts_interpolater(t)
t_diff = np.abs(t_spec - t)
index = np.argmin(t_diff)
y = counts[index]
name = name or f"{}_{t}s"
raise ValueError("Need t or V or index to select a spectrum!")
field = Field(
return Spectrum.from_field(field, tstamp=self.tstamp)
[docs] def get_dOD_spectrum(
"""Return the delta optical density Spectrum given a point and reference point.
Provide exactly one of V, t, and index, and at most one of V_ref, t_ref, and
index_ref. For V and V_ref to work, the potential in the measurement must be
monotonically increasing.
V (float): The potential at which to get the spectrum.
t (float): The time at which to get the spectrum
index (int): The index of the spectrum
V_ref (float): The potential at which to get the reference spectrum
t_ref (float): The time at which to get the reference spectrum
index_ref (int): The index of the reference spectrum
Spectrum: The dOD spectrum. The data is (spectrum.x, spectrum.y)
if V_ref or t_ref or index_ref:
spectrum_ref = self.get_spectrum(V=V_ref, t=t_ref, index=index_ref)
spectrum_ref = self.reference_spectrum
spectrum = self.get_spectrum(V=V, t=t, index=index)
field = Field(
data=-np.log10(spectrum.y / spectrum_ref.y),
name=r"$\Delta$ OD",
return Spectrum.from_field(field)
[docs] def track_wavelength(self, wl, width=10, V_ref=None, t_ref=None, index_ref=None):
"""Return and cache a ValueSeries for the dOD for a specific wavelength.
The caching adds wl_str to the SECMeasurement's data series, where
wl_str = "w" + int(wl)
This is dOD. The raw is also added as wl_str + "_raw".
So, to get the raw counts for a specific wavelength, call this function and
then use __getitem__, as in: sec_meas[wl_str + "_raw"]
If V_ref, t_ref, or index_ref are provided, they specify what to reference dOD
to. Otherwise, dOD is referenced to the SECMeasurement's reference_spectrum.
wl (float): The wavelength to track in [nm]
width (float): The width around wl to average. For example, if wl=400 and
width = 20, the spectra will be averaged between 390 and 410 nm to get
the values. Defaults to 10. To interpolate at the exact wavelength
rather than averaging, specify `width=0`.
V_ref (float): The potential at which to get the reference spectrum
t_ref (float): The time at which to get the reference spectrum
index_ref (int): The index of the reference spectrum
Returns ValueSeries: The dOD value of the spectrum at wl.
if V_ref or t_ref or index_ref:
spectrum_ref = self.get_spectrum(V=V_ref, t=t_ref, index=index_ref)
spectrum_ref = self.reference_spectrum
x = self.wl
if width: # averaging
wl_mask = np.logical_and(wl - width / 2 < x, x < wl + width / 2)
counts_ref = np.mean(spectrum_ref.y[wl_mask])
counts_wl = np.mean([:, wl_mask], axis=1)
else: # interpolation
counts_ref = np.interp(wl, spectrum_ref.x, spectrum_ref.y)
counts_wl = []
for counts_i in
c = np.interp(wl, x, counts_i)
counts_wl = np.array(counts_wl)
dOD_wl = -np.log10(counts_wl / counts_ref)
raw_name = f"w{int(wl)} raw"
dOD_name = f"w{int(wl)}"
tseries = self.spectra.axes_series[0]
raw_vseries = ValueSeries(
name=raw_name, unit_name="counts", data=counts_wl, tseries=tseries
dOD_vseries = ValueSeries(
name=dOD_name, unit_name="", data=dOD_wl, tseries=tseries
self.replace_series(raw_name, raw_vseries)
# FIXME: better caching. See
self.replace_series(dOD_name, dOD_vseries)
# FIXME: better caching. See
self.tracked_wavelengths.append(dOD_name) # For the exporter.
return dOD_vseries