Source code for ixdat.data_series

"""This module defines the DataSeries class, the elementary data structure of ixdat

An ixdat DataSeries is a wrapper around a numpy array containing the metadata needed
to combine it with other DataSeries. Typically this means a reference to the time
variable corresponding to the rows of the array. The time variable itself is a special
case, TimeSeries, which must know its absolute (unix) timestamp.

import numpy as np
from .db import Saveable
from .tools import tstamp_to_string
from .units import Unit
from .exceptions import AxisError, BuildError

[docs]class DataSeries(Saveable): """The base class for all numerical data representation in ixdat. These class's objects are saved and loaded as rows in the data_series table """ table_name = "data_series" column_attrs = {"name", "unit_name", "data", "series_type"} series_type = "series" def __init__(self, name, unit_name, data): """initialize a data series with its name, unit, and data (id handled by parent) Args: name (str): The name of the data series unit_name (str): The name of the unit in which the data is stored data (np.array): The numerical data """ super().__init__() = name self.unit = Unit(unit_name) self._data = data
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, obj_as_dict): """Return the right type of DataSeries based on the info in its serialization""" series_type = obj_as_dict.pop("series_type") series_class = SERIES_CLASSES[series_type] return series_class(**obj_as_dict)
def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(id={}, name='{}')" @property def data(self): """The data as a np.array, loaded the first time it is needed.""" if self._data is None: self._data = self.load_data() # inherited from Savable. return self._data @property def unit_name(self): """The name of the data series' unit""" return @property def shape(self): return @property def size(self): return
[docs]class TimeSeries(DataSeries): """Class to store time data. These are characterized by having a tstamp""" extra_column_attrs = {"tstamps": {"tstamp"}} series_type = "tseries" def __init__(self, name, unit_name, data, tstamp): """Initiate a TimeSeries with name, unit_name, data, and a tstamp (float) Args (in addition to those of parent, :class:`.DataSeries`): tstamp (float): The unix timestamp of the time at which t=0 in the data """ super().__init__(name, unit_name, data) self.tstamp = tstamp def __str__(self): """Return TimeSeries string representation""" # On the form: TimeSeries: 'NAME'. Min, max: 12, 4000 [s] @ 22E18 14:34:55 min_str = f"{min(}" if len( > 1 else "None" max_str = f"{max(}" if len( > 1 else "None" return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}: '{}'. " f"Min, max: {min_str}, {max_str} [{}] " f"@ {tstamp_to_string(self.tstamp)}" ) @property def t(self): return @property def tseries(self): """Trivially, a TimeSeries is its own TimeSeries""" return self
[docs]class Field(DataSeries): """Class for storing multi-dimensional data spanning 'axes' Characterized by a list of references to these axes, which are themselves also DataSeries. This is represented in the extra linkers. """ extra_linkers = {"field_axes": ("data_series", "a_ids")} child_attrs = ["axes_series"] series_type = "field" def __init__(self, name, unit_name, data, a_ids=None, axes_series=None): """Initiate the Field and check that the supplied axes make sense. Args (in addition to those of parent, :class:`.DataSeries`): a_ids (list of int): The ids of the corresponding axes DataSeries, if not the series are not given directly as `axes_series` axes_series (list of DataSeries): The DataSeries describing the axes which the field's data spans, if available """ super().__init__(name, unit_name, data) N = len(a_ids) if a_ids is not None else len(axes_series) self.N_dimensions = N self._a_ids = a_ids if a_ids is not None else ([None] * N) # TODO: This could probably be handled more nicely with PlaceHolderObjects # see: Measurement and # self._axes_series = axes_series if axes_series is not None else ([None] * N) self._check_axes() # raises an AxisError if something's wrong
[docs] def get_axis_id(self, axis_number): """Return the id of the `axis_number`'th axis of the data""" if self._axes_series[axis_number]: return self._axes_series[axis_number].id return self._a_ids[axis_number]
[docs] def get_axis_series(self, axis_number): """Return the DataSeries of the `axis_number`'th axis of the data""" if not self._axes_series[axis_number]: self._axes_series[axis_number] = DataSeries.get(i=self._a_ids[axis_number]) # And so as not have two id's for the axis_number'th axis: self._a_ids[axis_number] = None return self._axes_series[axis_number]
@property def a_ids(self): """List of the id's of the axes spanned by the field""" return [self.get_axis_id(n) for n in range(self.N_dimensions)] @property def axes_series(self): """List of the DataSeries defining the axes spanned by the field""" return [self.get_axis_series(n) for n in range(self.N_dimensions)] def _check_axes(self): """Check that there are no contradictions in the Field's axes_series and id's""" N = self.N_dimensions if len(self._a_ids) != N: raise AxisError( f"{self!r} is {N}-D but initiated with {len(self._a_ids)} axis id's" ) if len(self._axes_series) != N: raise AxisError( f"{self!r} is {N}-D but initiated with {len(self._axes_series)} axes" ) for n, (a_id, axis_series) in enumerate(zip(self._a_ids, self._axes_series)): if a_id is not None and axis_series is not None and a_id != raise AxisError( f"{self!r} initiated with contradicting id's for {n}'th axis" ) elif a_id is None and axis_series is None: raise AxisError( f"{self!r} has no axis id for series or id for its {n}'th axis" ) @property def data(self): """When loading data, Field checks that its dimensions match its # of axes""" if self._data is None: self._data = self.load_data() if len(self._data.shape) != self.N_dimensions: raise AxisError( f"{self!r} has {self.N_dimensions} axes but its data is " f"{len(self._data.shape)}-dimensional." ) return self._data.copy() # TODO: make data series data immutable with numpy flag # see: @property def tstamp(self): """The unix time corresponding to t=0 for the time-resolved axis of the Field The timestamp of a Field is the timestamp of its TimeSeries or ValueSeries """ for s in self.axes_series: if isinstance(s, (ValueSeries, TimeSeries)): return s.tstamp
[docs]class ValueSeries(Field): """Class to store scalar values that are measured over time. Characterized by a reference to the corresponding time series. This reference is represented in relational databases as a row in an auxiliary linker table """ series_type = "vseries" def __init__( self, name, unit_name, data, t_id=None, tseries=None, a_ids=None, axes_series=None, ): """Initiate a ValueSeries with a TimeSeries or a reference thereto Args (in addition to those of :class:`.Field`): t_id (int): The id of the corresponding TimeSeries, if not given directly (can also be supplied as `a_ids[0]`) tseries (TimeSeries): The corresponding TimeSeries, if available (can also be supplied as `axes_series[0]`) """ a_ids = a_ids or [t_id] axes_series = axes_series or [tseries] super().__init__(name, unit_name, data, a_ids, axes_series) # TODO: This could probably be handled more nicely with PlaceHolderObjects # see: Measurement and # def __str__(self): """Return string representation""" # Return a string representation on the form: # ValueSeries: 'NAME'. Min, max: -1.23, 4.56 [V] min_str = f"{min(}" if len( > 1 else "None" max_str = f"{max(}" if len( > 1 else "None" return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}: '{}'. " f"Min, max: {min_str}, {max_str} [{}]" ) @property def tseries(self): return self.axes_series[0] @property def t_id(self): """int: the id of the TimeSeries""" if self._axes_seriess: return return self.a_ids[0] @property def v(self): """The value as a 1-d np array""" return @property def t(self): """The measurement times as a 1-d np array""" return @property def tstamp(self): """The timestamp, from the TimeSeries of the ValueSeries""" return self.tseries.tstamp def __hash__(self): return super().__hash__()
[docs]class ConstantValue(ValueSeries): """This is a stand-in for a VSeries for when we know the value is constant""" series_type = "constantvalue" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._expanded_data = None @property def data(self): if self._expanded_data is None: if self._data is None: self._data = self.load_data() # inherited from Savable. self._expanded_data = np.ones(self.t.shape) * self._data return self._expanded_data
SERIES_CLASSES = { cls.series_type: cls for cls in [DataSeries, TimeSeries, Field, ValueSeries, ConstantValue] }
[docs]def append_series(series_list, sorted=True, name=None, tstamp=None): """Return series appending series_list relative to series_list[0].tseries.tstamp Args: series_list (list of Series): The series to append (must all be of same type) sorted (bool): Whether to sort the data so that time only goes forward name (str): Name to give the appended series. Defaults to series_list[0].name tstamp (unix tstamp): The t=0 of the returned series or its TimeSeries. """ s0 = series_list[0] if isinstance(s0, TimeSeries): return append_tseries(series_list, sorted=sorted, name=name, tstamp=tstamp) elif isinstance(s0, ValueSeries): return append_vseries_by_time( series_list, sorted=sorted, name=name, tstamp=tstamp ) raise BuildError( f"An algorithm of append_series for series like {s0!r} is not yet implemented" )
[docs]def append_vseries_by_time(series_list, sorted=True, name=None, tstamp=None): """Return new ValueSeries with the data in series_list appended Args: series_list (list of ValueSeries): The value series to append sorted (bool): Whether to sort the data so that time only goes forward name (str): Name to give the appended series. Defaults to series_list[0].name tstamp (unix tstamp): The t=0 of the returned ValueSeries' TimeSeries. """ name = name or series_list[0].name cls = series_list[0].__class__ unit = series_list[0].unit data = np.array([]) tseries_list = [s.tseries for s in series_list] if not all(isinstance(ts, TimeSeries) for ts in tseries_list): raise BuildError( f"can't append {series_list} w incompatible tseries list = {tseries_list}" ) tseries, sort_indeces = append_tseries( tseries_list, sorted=sorted, return_sort_indeces=True, tstamp=tstamp ) for s in series_list: data = np.append(data, if sorted: data = data[sort_indeces] return cls(name=name,, data=data, tseries=tseries)
[docs]def append_tseries( series_list, sorted=True, return_sort_indeces=False, name=None, tstamp=None ): """Return new TimeSeries with the data appended. Args: series_list (list of TimeSeries): The time series to append sorted (bool): Whether to sort the data so that time only goes forward return_sort_indeces (bool): Whether to return the indeces that sort the data name (str): Name to give the appended series. Defaults to series_list[0].name tstamp (unix tstamp): The t=0 of the returned TimeSeries. """ name = name or series_list[0].name cls = series_list[0].__class__ unit = series_list[0].unit tstamp = tstamp or series_list[0].tstamp data = np.array([]) for s in series_list: if not (s.unit == unit and s.__class__ == cls): raise BuildError(f"can't append {series_list}") data = np.append(data, + s.tstamp - tstamp) if sorted: sort_indices = np.argsort(data) data = data[sort_indices] else: sort_indices = None tseries = cls(name=name,, data=data, tstamp=tstamp) if return_sort_indeces: return tseries, sort_indices return tseries
[docs]def time_shifted(series, tstamp=None): """Return a series with the time shifted to be relative to tstamp""" if tstamp is None: return series if tstamp == series.tstamp: return series cls = series.__class__ if isinstance(series, TimeSeries): new_data = + series.tstamp - tstamp # shift the time. return cls(,, data=new_data, tstamp=tstamp, ) elif isinstance(series, ValueSeries): series = cls(,,, tseries=time_shifted(series.tseries, tstamp=tstamp), ) return series
[docs]def get_tspans_from_mask(t, mask): """Return a list of tspans for time intervals remaining when mask is applied to t FIXME: This is pure numpy manipulation and probably belongs somewhere else. """ mask_prev = np.append(False, mask[:-1]) # the mask shifted right by one mask_next = np.append(mask[1:], False) # the mask shifted left by one # An array that is True where intervals meeting the criteria start: # (This includes at [0] if mask[0] is True.) interval_starts_here = np.logical_and(np.logical_not(mask_prev), mask) # An array that is True where intervals meeting the criteria finish: # (This includes at [-1] if mask[-1] is True.) interval_ends_here = np.logical_and(mask, np.logical_not(mask_next)) t_starts = list(t[interval_starts_here]) # the start times implied by the mask t_ends = list(t[interval_ends_here]) # the finish times implied by the mask tspans = zip(t_starts, t_ends) # and, the timespans where the criteria is met! return tspans