import pandas as pd
from collections import OrderedDict
[docs]class SpectrumExporter:
"""An ixdat CSV exporter for spectra. Uses pandas."""
delim = ","
"""The separator for the .csv file. Has to be single-char due to pandas"""
def __init__(self, spectrum):
"""Initiate the SpectrumExporter.
spectrum (Spectrum): The spectrum to export by default
self.spectrum = spectrum
[docs] def export(self, path_to_file, spectrum=None):
"""Export spectrum to path_to_file.
path_to_file (str or Path): The path of the file to export to. Note that if a
file already exists with this path, it will be overwritten.
spectrum (Spectrum): The spectrum to export if different from self.spectrum
TODO: remove this kwarg. See conversation here:
from .. import Spectrum
if isinstance(path_to_file, Spectrum):
# We changed the order of the arguments for ixdat v0.2.9:
raise TypeError(
"Provide 'path_to_file' as a first argument and then, optionally, "
"'spectrum' after it"
spectrum = spectrum or self.spectrum
df = pd.DataFrame({spectrum.x_name: spectrum.x, spectrum.y_name: spectrum.y})
header_lines = []
for attr in ["name", "technique", "tstamp", "backend_name", "id"]:
line = f"{attr} = {getattr(spectrum, attr)}\n"
# Insert a line, after the first two lines, saying how long the header is.
N_header_lines = len(header_lines) + 2
# The `+ 2` is for the header length line and the column header line.
header_length_line = f"N_header_lines = {N_header_lines}\n"
header_lines = header_lines[:2] + [header_length_line] + header_lines[2:]
with open(path_to_file, "w") as f:
with open(path_to_file, "a") as f:
df.to_csv(f, index=False, sep=self.delim, lineterminator="\n")
print(f"wrote {path_to_file}!")
[docs]class SpectrumSeriesExporter:
"""An exporter for ixdat spectrum series."""
delim = ","
"""The separator for the .csv file. Has to be single-char due to pandas"""
def __init__(self, spectrum_series):
"""Initiate the SpectrumSeriesExporter.
spectrum_series (SpectrumSeries): The spectrum to export by default
self.spectrum_series = spectrum_series
[docs] def export(self, path_to_file=None, spectrum_series=None, spectra_as_rows=True):
"""Export spectrum series to path_to_file.
spectrum_series (Spectrum): The spectrum_series to export if different from
TODO: remove this kwarg. See conversation here:
path_to_file (str or Path): The path of the file to export to. Note that if a
file already exists with this path, it will be overwritten.
spectra_as_rows (bool): This specifies the orientation of the data exported.
If True, the scanning variabe (e.g. wavelength) increases to the right
and the time variable increases downward. If False, the scanning
variable increases downwards and the time variable increases to the
right. Either way it is clarified in the file header. Defaults to True.
from .. import Spectrum
if isinstance(path_to_file, Spectrum):
# We changed the order of the arguments for ixdat v0.2.9:
raise TypeError(
"Provide 'path_to_file' as a first argument and then, optionally, "
"'spectrum' after it"
spectrum_series = spectrum_series or self.spectrum_series
field = spectrum_series.field
data =
tseries, xseries = spectrum_series.field.axes_series
t = tseries.t + tseries.tstamp - spectrum_series.tstamp
x =
header_lines = []
for attr in ["name", "technique", "tstamp", "backend_name", "id", "continuous"]:
line = f"{attr} = {getattr(spectrum_series, attr)}\n"
f"values are y='{}' with units [{field.unit_name}]\n"
if spectra_as_rows: # columns are ValueSeries
data_as_list_of_tuples = [(spectrum_series.t_name, t)] + [
(x_i, data[:, i]) for i, x_i in enumerate(x)
df = pd.DataFrame(OrderedDict(data_as_list_of_tuples))
f"first row is x='{}' with units [{xseries.unit_name}]\n"
f"first column is t='{}' with units [{tseries.unit_name}]\n"
else: # spectra as columns. rows are ValueSeries
data_as_list_of_tuples = [(spectrum_series.x_name, x)] + [
(t_i, data[i, :]) for i, t_i in enumerate(t)
df = pd.DataFrame(OrderedDict(data_as_list_of_tuples))
f"first row is t='{}' with units [{tseries.unit_name}]\n"
f"first column is x='{}' with units [{xseries.unit_name}]\n"
# Insert a line, after the first two lines, saying how long the header is.
N_header_lines = len(header_lines) + 2
# The `+ 2` is for the header length line and the column header line.
header_length_line = f"N_header_lines = {N_header_lines}\n"
header_lines = header_lines[:2] + [header_length_line] + header_lines[2:]
with open(path_to_file, "w") as f:
with open(path_to_file, "a") as f:
df.to_csv(f, index=False, sep=self.delim, lineterminator="\n")
print(f"wrote {path_to_file}!")