Source code for ixdat.readers.ec_ms_pkl

from pathlib import Path
import pickle
from .. import Measurement
from ..techniques import TECHNIQUE_CLASSES
from ..data_series import TimeSeries, ValueSeries
from .biologic import BIOLOGIC_COLUMN_NAMES, get_column_unit_name


[docs]class EC_MS_CONVERTER: """Imports old .pkl files obtained from the legacy EC-MS package""" def __init__(self): print("Reader of old ECMS .pkl files")
[docs] def read(self, file_path, cls=None, **kwargs): """Return an ECMSMeasurement with the data recorded in path_to_file Most of the work is done by module-level function measurement_from_ec_ms_dataset Args: path_to_file (Path): The full abs or rel path including the ".pkl" extension. """ with open(file_path, "rb") as f: ec_ms_dict = pickle.load(f) return measurement_from_ec_ms_dataset( ec_ms_dict, name=Path(file_path).name, cls=cls, reader=self, technique="EC-MS", **kwargs, )
[docs]def measurement_from_ec_ms_dataset( ec_ms_dict, name=None, cls=ECMSMeasurement, reader=None, technique=None, **kwargs, ): """Return an ixdat Measurement with the data from an EC_MS data dictionary. This loops through the keys of the EC-MS dict and searches for MS and EC data. Names the dataseries according to their names in the original dict. Omits any other data as well as metadata. Args: ec_ms_dict (dict): The EC_MS data dictionary name (str): Name of the measurement cls (Measurement class): The class to return a measurement of reader (Reader object): The class which read ec_ms_dataset from file technique (str): The name of the technique """ if "Ewe/V" in ec_ms_dict and "<Ewe>/V" in ec_ms_dict: # EC_MS duplicates the latter as the former, so here we delete it: del ec_ms_dict["<Ewe>/V"] if "I/mA" in ec_ms_dict and "<I>/mA" in ec_ms_dict: # EC_MS duplicates the latter as the former, so here we delete it: del ec_ms_dict["<I>/mA"] cols_str = ec_ms_dict["data_cols"] cols_list = [] name = name or ec_ms_dict.get("title", None) for col in cols_str: if col.endswith("-x"): cols_list.append(TimeSeries(col, "s", ec_ms_dict[col], ec_ms_dict["tstamp"])) if "time/s" in ec_ms_dict: cols_list.append( TimeSeries("time/s", "s", ec_ms_dict["time/s"], ec_ms_dict["tstamp"]) ) tseries_meas = Measurement("tseries_ms", technique="EC_MS", series_list=cols_list) for col in cols_str: if col not in ec_ms_dict or col in tseries_meas.series_names: continue if col.endswith("-y"): v_name = col[:-2] tseries = tseries_meas[col[:-1] + "x"] unit_name = "A" if col.startswith("M") else "" elif col in BIOLOGIC_COLUMN_NAMES and col not in tseries_meas.series_names: v_name = col tseries = tseries_meas["time/s"] unit_name = get_column_unit_name(col) else: print(f"Not including '{col}' as I don't know what it is.") continue data = ec_ms_dict[col] if not == data.size: print(f"Not including '{col}' due to mismatch size with {tseries}") continue cols_list.append( ValueSeries( name=v_name, data=data, unit_name=unit_name, tseries=tseries, ) ) aliases = {"t": ["time/s"], "raw_potential": ["Ewe/V"], "raw_current": ["I/mA"]} obj_as_dict = dict( name=name, technique=technique or "EC_MS", series_list=cols_list, reader=reader, tstamp=ec_ms_dict["tstamp"], aliases=aliases, ) obj_as_dict.update(kwargs) measurement = cls.from_dict(obj_as_dict) return measurement