Cheat sheet

Importing a measurement

my_measurement =, reader, **kwargs)

Return a Measurement object from parsing a file with the specified reader

        path_to_file (Path or str): The path to the file to read
        reader (str or Reader class): The (name of the) reader to read the file with.
        kwargs: key-word arguments are passed on to the reader's read() method.

Check what’s in a Measurement

If you want to know which data your Measurement object contains, you can ask for:

my_measurement.series_names - returns the names of the data and time series that can be used in grab()

my_measurement.series_list - returns a list of all data and time series in the object


To make the standard plot associated with a Measurement object, simply write:

my_measurement.plot() or my_measurement.plot_measurement()

use help(my_measurement.plot) to find out which arguments are accepted.

Calling the above functions to make an ixdat plot will return a list of axes. If you want to be able to modify the standard plot, save the axes in a variable.

axes = my_measurement.plot()

This you can then use get a handle on the figure:

fig_1 = axes[0].get_figure()

You can use any standard matplotlib commands to make modifications to these axes and figure.


Calibrations are stored in the Measurement object as a list. Depending on the type of data (and therefore Measurement object, the options for calibration will vary.

If you have your calibration stored in a Calibration object, you apply it like this:


Other calibrations can be added using calibrate, for example:

my_ec_measurement.calibrate(RE_vs_RHE=0.67,  A_el=0.197) my_ms_measurement.calibrate(ms_cal_results = [cal_h2, cal_o2, cal_c2h4]), where cal_h2, cal_o2 and cal_c2h4 are the MSCalResults objects containing the calibration factors for H2, O2 and C2H4, respectively

Built-in constants

ixdat has a range of built-in constants saved in the sub-module constants, accesible e.g. via:

from ixdat.constants import FARADAY_CONSTANT

Use help() to get the documentation

For any object or function, you can use help(my_random_object) to return the docstring of my_random_object - this can be very useful e.g. for finding methods associated with that object.